['1486288', '西瓜田', '一个在西瓜田发生的故事', ['R-18G', '脳姦', '調教', '褐色'], '不沉之月', 2] 黄色文学永久地址: huangsewenxue.com 最新的免翻地发布:huangsewenxue.net 自动回复邮箱:bijiyinxiang@gmail.com 第1章 西瓜田(中国语) 一个棕皮肤的奴隶女孩正在西瓜田里劳作。她的脚上系着一个铁链,身上烙着奴隶的烙印。虽然身体棕色,但是手心脚心,以及偶尔从兜裆布中露出来的可爱私处都是粉白粉白的青春颜色。 女孩的主人带着另外两个男人从远处悠闲地走了过来。女孩看到他们,马上跪倒,双手摊开在地上,手心和脚心在肥沃的黑色土地上闪闪发亮。 主人和他的朋友们轻松的谈笑着,讨论着今年的西瓜收成。他们拍着瓜田中一个个饱满的大西瓜,选了一个拍起来隆隆作响的大西瓜,对着女孩说了句话。 女孩从地上爬起来,找到旁边的西瓜刀,熟练地把西瓜从瓜蒂砍下,用手拍着西瓜找到一个合适的位置,用西瓜刀插进去一别,西瓜就爆开了。女孩掰开爆出来的那份放在手中,跪在地上高高地举给自己的主人,主人接住西瓜,递给客人品尝。 女孩切了一片又一片西瓜,都献给了主人和他的客人们,还剩下最后一片。主人坐在田埂上一边和其他男人吃西瓜,一边笑着指着剩下的西瓜冲女孩招了招手,女孩笑着拿起最后一块西瓜,一边吃一边坐进主人的怀里。 客人们在主人的引导下伸出手掰开女孩的嘴唇,从女孩的牙齿来看女孩的健康程度,女孩顺从地张开了嘴,还顺便用舌头舔了舔男人的手心,男人们把她的脚掰过来摩挲看看她能不能长途跋涉,女孩把自己的脚趾紧紧扣起来颤抖着,好像因为男人而紧张到高潮似的。 背后有个男人把手指伸进她的下面,这是要检查她的生殖能力吗?女孩不高不低地叫了一声,媚笑着回过头去,却被捉住嘴唇吻了起来。随后,她感到自己的双臂被抓住,有一个雄壮的阴茎顶着她汗津津的肛门。 这是主人的阴茎,她可以从自己身体被侵入的形状感觉到。很快,她被顶在空中,另外一个男人从前面狠狠要了她。这太刺激了,她的舌头离开了主人的嘴巴大叫起来,但是很快又被堵住,一个新的,更大的男性器官,压着她的舌头,在她呕吐的间隙以在她食道中摩擦为乐。女孩哭着到达了高潮,之后,她又这样高潮了几次——这几次都是真的高潮,和预演的一样,舌头在阴茎的压制下仍然强直性地伸出来渴求舌吻,上面流淌着口水,脚趾紧紧地扣起来,好像能抓住什么东西一样。 事后,男人们坐在田埂上,爱怜地抚摸着女孩。女孩在一边用嘴给男人们清理阴茎,一边努力翘起屁股不要让精液流出来,毕竟,怀上主人的孩子是奴隶的梦想。 之后,好像早就约好了一样,男人们突然站起来,把女孩拖到田埂旁边的一颗大树下。大树上用绳子吊着很多木制和铁质的器具。主人熟练地从中抓住一个木枷,冲女孩指了指,笑着,露出一口健康的白牙。 接着,还不等女孩说话,男人们就把女孩的头和手都固定在木枷上了。另外一个人把木枷上连着的绳子扔过树上固定好的滑轮,用手一拉,女孩就被拉起来,只能用脚尖点地。 男人们熟练地用手拍着女孩的后脑,找到了一个合适的位置,用西瓜刀插进去,咯吱咯吱撬开了女孩的头盖骨。女孩吓得尖叫,浑身乱抖,但是两只手和脖子都被固定住无法移动,所以两条腿拼命地蹬动,手指也不停地乱动。 男主人皱了下眉头,好像是感觉自己的魔术表演被自家家具打断一样不开心,抄起西瓜刀咔咔咔砍掉了女孩的一条腿,接着又摸着女孩的另外一边屁股蛋子,挑断了大腿筋。女孩的浑身像是西瓜一样都是汗水和血渍,牙齿咬破了口腔,两只眼睛疯狂乱转,嘴里含糊不清地念动着词语,好像在恳求神灵或自己的主人给予一个痛快。 男主人重新抓起女孩被掀开的那块头盖骨,将连着头皮和头发的头盖骨彻底砍下来,威胁性地在女孩的眼睛前面挥舞了一下,用西瓜刀刺穿插在女孩的木枷上,好像是一个警告,或者符咒那样,让它固定在女孩视野的边界。 两个客人赞许地揉搓着女孩充满生命力的大脑皮层,用手感受着触摸脑子的舒服感觉,揉捏着缠绕着神经和突触的脑瓤。女孩的尖叫渐渐变缓慢,口齿不清地情况却变多了,有些地方的关节和皮肤偶尔抽动一下,好像对男人对大脑的刺激感到不适那样。偶尔,女孩会流露出悲伤的情形,也许她再也没办法为主人怀孩子了。 男主人知道显示自己地主之谊的时候到了,他伸出粗壮的大手,将大脑从女孩的头骨中抠了出来放在另外一个男人手里。女孩的头马上就垂了下去,一声都不出了。男人像抓女人乳房一样抓着两个脑叶放在自己的阴茎上抽插着自慰,嘴里呻吟着。 另外一个男人抓住女孩的头,从里面揪出小脑欣赏玩弄着,然后像是蛋糕快做完时点缀樱桃一样把小脑插在自己勃起的阴茎头上。笑着冲其他两个伙伴抖了抖自己的阴茎,嘴里发出低沉而含糊的笑声。 男主人欣慰地看着宾客们心满意足地玩弄着自己的猎物,抓过像口袋一样的女孩脑子,把女孩的脑干像是揪出海鲜的肉一样抽了出来。女孩的肉体掠过了最后一阵紧张地抽动,好像是肉体在怀念着最后一次高潮。男主人感伤地闻了闻脑干,目光停在远处屋里的酒器和发酵罐中,琢磨着什么。 女孩乖巧地低头盘腿在土地上,眼睛安详地闭着,两手和头一起固定在架子上,无辜地挺着一对大奶子,平静地承受着三个男人在她头里呲出的氨味浓重的浓黄尿液。溅出来的液体流在棕色的皮肤上,从坚挺的乳房上缓缓滴下,在阳光下闪闪发亮,爆出一堆泡沫,这是尿中还饱含着浓精的证据。 多肥沃的土地啊,男人们看着远处的晴天,好像在给西瓜田浇水一样认真地撒尿,偶尔还用手抖一抖,让女孩的头像是一个汁水饱满的容器一样摇晃几下。 第二天,一个新的女孩来到了这片西瓜田,她同时也负责处理酒庄的新肥料。 第2章 西瓜田(Watermelon Field)in English Version A brown-skin slave girl is laboring in a watermelon field, with a ball chain on her foot and a slave’s brand stigmatized on her body. Although she has brown skin, her palm, soles of feet and cute genitals which evenly shows from codpiece seems in a cute and teenagelike pinky white color. The girl\u0027s owner and two other men have sauntered up from a distance. When the girl saw them, she fell to her knees and spread her hands on the ground, the palms of her hands and the soles of her feet shining in the rich black earth. The owner and his friends are chatting and laughing easily, discussing the harvest of this year. They are patting watermelon one by one, and finally choose a big one with rumbling sound when patted, and say something to the girl. The girl get up from the ground, found a watermelon knife nearby, and then cut the pedicel deftly. Patting the watermelon with her hand, the girl is looking for a suitable position, then she inserted the watermelon knife into the parting, and the watermelon just get burst. The girl break the burst piece in her hand, kneel on the ground and lift is to her owner, the man take that watermelon and pass it to his guest to taste. The girl keep cutting watermelon and gave it to her host and his guest. There was only one piece left. While smiling, the host pointed to the rest of the watermelon and beckoned to the girl. The girl smiled and picked up the last watermelon, then sit in her host’s arms, and eating. Guests began to touch the girl\u0027s mouth under host’s guidance, checking girl’s health situation from her teeth. Girl open the mouth with obedience, and licked men’s hand with tongue by the way. The men turned her feet over and rubbed them to see if she could walk a long distance, and the girl pressed her toes together and shivered, as if she were nervous enough to climax with the man. A man behind her put his finger on her underside. Is this to check her fertility? The girl gave a mild cry and turned round with a smile, only to be caught and kissed on the lips. Then she felt her arms gripped, a magnificent penis against her sweaty anus. This is the owner\u0027s penis, which she can feel from the shape of her body being invaded. Soon, she was held up in the air and another man snapped at her from the front. It was so irritating that her tongue left her master\u0027s mouth and screamed, but it was soon stopped again, and a new, larger male organ pressed against her tongue, taking pleasure in rubbing it in her esophagus between vomits. The girl reached an orgasm, crying, and then she had several more orgasms -- real orgasms, all of them, like rehearsed, tongue still stuck out of mouth, dripping with saliva, toes buttoned tightly, as if grasping something. Afterwards, the men sat on the ridge of the field, caressing the girl lovingly. As she purged the men\u0027s penises with her mouth, the girl tried to stick her butt up to keep the semen from spilling. After all, it was a slave\u0027s dream to conceive his master\u0027s child. Then, as if it had been agreed long ago, the men suddenly stood up and dragged the girl to a tree beside the ridge of the field. Many wooden and iron instruments were hung by ropes from the trees. The master, deftly grasping a wooden collar, pointed at the girl, smiling and showing a healthy set of white teeth. Then, before the girl could speak, the men fastened her head and hands to the wooden collar. Another threw the rope attached to the wooden collar over the pulley fixed in the tree and pulled with his hand, pulling the girl to her feet. Skillfully, the men patted the girl on the back of the head, found a suitable position, stuck it in with a watermelon knife, and pried open her skull with a squeak. The girl screamed and trembled, but her hands and neck were immobilized and she could not move, so her legs kicked furiously and her fingers stirred wildly. The man frowned, as if feeling his magic show was interrupted by his own furniture as unhappy, picked up a watermelon knife while cutting off the girl\u0027s leg, and then touched the other side of the girl\u0027s buttock egg, and cut the thigh tendon. The girl was soaked in sweat and blood like a watermelon, her mouth were torn by her teeth, her eyes were fluttering wildly, and she mumbled words as if she were imploring god or her master to give her a peaceful death. The man grabs the girl\u0027s torn skull again, chops it off from under her head and hair, waves it threateningly in front of her eyes, and thrusting that watermelon knife into the girl\u0027s wooden collar as a warning, or a charm, to keep it at the boundaries of her vision. The two guests approvingly rubbed the girl\u0027s vibrant cerebral cortex, felt the comfortable touch of the brain with their hands, and kneaded the brain\u0027s flesh, which was wrapped around nerves and synapses. The girl\u0027s screams grew slower, the lisp increased, and the joints and skin twitched occasionally, as if in discomfort with the male stimulation of the brain. Occasionally, a girl would express sadness that she might never be able to bear a child for her husband. Knowing that the time had come for him to show his hospitality as a landlord, the man reached out his big thick hand, took the brain out of the girl\u0027s skull and put it into the hand of another man. Immediately the girl\u0027s head fell down and she could not make a sound. The man grabbed both lobes of his brain like a woman\u0027s breast and masturbated by thrusting them into his penis, moaning and groaning. Another man grabbed the girl\u0027s head, pulled out the cerebellum and played with it, then stuck it into his erect penis like a cherry on a cake. He shook his penis at the other two, and a deep, vague laugh came from his mouth. The host watched contentedly as the guests played with their prey, grabbed the pocket-like girl\u0027s brain and pulled it out like seafood meat. The girl\u0027s body twitched nervously for the last time, as if it were remembering the last orgasm. The host sniffs sadly at the brain stem and pauses to ponder over the wine vessels and fermenters in the distant room, long distance nearly invincible. The girl bent her head lovingly, her legs crossed on the ground, her eyes closed serenely, her hands and her head fixed on the shelf, her big breasts propped innocently, and she calmly suffered the heavy yellow urine of ammonia smell that three men had exposed in her head. The spattered liquid, which trickled slowly down the brown skin from the firm breasts, glistened in the sun and burst into bubbles, was evidence that urine was full of thick semen. What a fertile land! The men looked at the sunny day in the distance, as if they were watering the watermelon fields, urinating seriously and occasionally shaking their hands to make the girl\u0027s head shake a few times like a juicy container. he next day, a new girl arrived at the watermelon field, also handling the winery\u0027s new fertilizer. 原始地址:https://www.pixiv.net/novel/show.php?id=1486288 黄色文学永久地址: huangsewenxue.com 免翻发布:huangsewenxue.net 自动回复箱:bijiyinxiang@gmail.com 或者:https://www.pixiv.net/novel/series/1486288 总之就是这俩中的一个